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How To ACTUALLY Start Getting More Views On Your Videos

Use this powerful technique to dial in your view count...

You can picture it now

The 21st of the month rolls around and you get an email

It’s YouTube notifying you that your monthly ad sense check has arrived

You open up your account and see $5,000 staring back at you

You take a moment and thank yourself for finally figuring out how to get people to click on your videos

And how did you learn this crucial piece of the YouTube puzzle?

Simple, you read this email today!

Do I have you fired up? I sure hope so!

After having worked with 100 of students I’ve been able to identify a few common deficiencies with their videos packaging (title and thumbnail) that is causing their channel’s demise

One weakness that shows up time and again is overlooking the power of intrigue

Their title and thumbnail generate next to no intrigue

Hence failing to invoke curiosity in prospective viewers and failing to amass any significant amount of views

Take this example:

In the thumbnail what do we see?

We see the answer to the question of what the average net worth by age in 2023

Why is that a problem?

Because those being recommended this video have no need to watch

The answer is displayed right on the thumbnail…

This means no click, no watch time, no subscribers and no money

Not ideal!

This is why intrigue needs to be a key element in your thumbnail design

Here’s an example of thumbnail intrigue in action:

Above we see an image of a desk setup with the text “avoid this”

Very instructive, as if something is wrong

Then what do we see?

The keyboard and screen setup that just about everyone who uses 2 monitors has…

Which makes the prospective viewer think “that’s how my screens are set up, what am I doing wrong?”

And how do they find out?

They click and watch the video…

It’s the little (but big) aspects of video packaging that will have your channel growing and generating $1,000s

Or struggling to gain any attention at all…

So the next time you’re making a thumbnail think to yourself

“How can I make this thumbnail as intriguing to my target audience as possible?”

And when you do, good things will start happening!

On another note, one Tube Launch spot remains for that special person who is serious about turning their channel into a cash-producing asset.

Until tomorrow,
