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  • How To ACTUALLY Run Your YouTube Channel With 2 Hours A Week

How To ACTUALLY Run Your YouTube Channel With 2 Hours A Week

Most people don't believe it's possible so here's how it works...

Most people don’t believe you can run a successful YouTube channel with 2 hours a week

And quite frankly, I don’t blame them

The majority of people are required to trade 40+ hours a week

Just to make a few $1,000 a month

So being able to make as much if not more in less time would of course seem ludicrious

But it’s not…

If it’s not, then how do you actually run your own cashflowing YouTube channel

Without turning it into a second job (or in just 2 hours a week)

What’s required are the following:

To achieve a 2-hour a week YouTube channel you first need money

Money for what? Outsourcing

There’s absolutely no way you can run your channel on 2 hours a week

If you’re doing any of the production work yourself…

This means no scriptwriting, no voiceovers, no editing etc.

As I explain inside Tube Academy, this is taking the role of the Owner

With money willing to be invested, you then need to invest time

“But Adam, you said I only had to work 2 hours a week!?!?!”

Yes, but you won’t be at that point from Day 1

You will need to invest time into training your team

Train them on what?

  • Script structures and storytelling

  • Editing retention

  • Thumbnail theory etc.

Because the truth is that most freelancers you hire do not have in-depth YouTube knowledge

And as such, you need to train them to think like you do

Once this has been achieved, you can now move into the 2-hour owner role into perpetuity

So, what will your 2 hours of work consist of?

You’ll spend 1 hour a week surveying the YouTube market for gaps in your niche

And 1 hour revewing the final product that your team provides back to you

That’s it!

Now, of course getting to this point takes time

But as you know, nothing in life worth having comes easy…

As a final note, I want to express my gratitude

Over the last two weeks I’ve received dozens of requests to join Tube Academy

And I’m excited to help everyone whose joined grow and monetize their channels this year

If you’ve yet to get the details email me back the word “tube” and I’ll send them over

Happy Sunday!
