• Adam Del Duca
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  • Is it actually possible to make $10,000/mo on YouTube?

Is it actually possible to make $10,000/mo on YouTube?

Here's the truth...

While I love the internet, it can be a weird place at times.

But what's weirder than some of the theories that people share online have, or the hilarious cat videos that people somehow put together, is the notion that in order to be considered successful online, you have to make $10,000 a month.

As someone who's made much more and much less, I can tell you firsthand that while this is a great benchmark to strive for, it absolutely isn't where success begins.

In fact, probably the biggest win that I've had online to date was simply making my first $1,000 online and having it cover the rent I was paying for the month.

Now, I know what you're thinking: "But Adam, I want to make much more than $1,000 per month with my YouTube channel."

And given that's the case, you're going to want to read until the end of this email.

You see, if you want to get to this income target as fast as possible, you do need to leverage trending content and YouTube best practices at the same time.

Case in point: the channel "The Evaluator."

Six months ago, this channel identified a gap in the market that revolved around a particular format of videos that was performing incredibly well.

However, instead of simply adding similar supply into the market, what they did instead was pursue a different subject matter using the winning format that was currently being undertaken by channels such as "The Paint Explainer."

It's this use of winning practices in combination with new supply in the market that allowed this channel to scale up to well over $10,000 a month in under six months' time.

And the same can happen for you if you arm yourself with the right information at the start of your own YouTube journey.

What tools do you need to do this?

First, you need an in-depth understanding of how to identify gaps in the market.

When you're able to add new supply into an area of high demand, it is a match made in heaven for a channel that will be able to streamline its way to $10,000 a month.

However, you don't want to end up spending $10,000 a month to make $10,000 a month, which means that you also need to know how to build yourself a cost-effective team that can make the videos for you while reaping large degrees of profits at the same time.

It's this combination of being able to identify opportunities in the market and managing the cost of your channel effectively that leads to the most profitable channels on the platform, like the one used in this example.

Therefore, if you're just starting a channel right now, consider spending a modest amount of time surveying the market for breakout channels.

Study what these channels are doing by watching the videos and reading the comments, and then try your hand at using the winning elements from these channels in the respective videos in the niche that you want to pursue.

This is commonly referred to as the transfer method and is one of the most powerful ways of growing a channel quickly on YouTube.

Friendly reminder: I have 3 new spots inside Tube Academy opening up tomorrow. Reply back “Tube” if you want the program details.

Until tomorrow,
