Why 99% of YouTube Channels Fail (Avoid This)

If this is your YouTube strategy you're bound to fail...

You’ve watched dozens of “how to grow on YouTube” videos

And follow numerous “gurus”

Yet every time you publish a video

You can barely generate enough views to fill up a classroom

What gives?

Is your channel cursed?

Do the YouTube gods hate you?

I mean, you did follow the golden YouTube advice right?

The advice that says “find popular videos and re-make them”

Here’s the harsh truth…

Those spouting this advice are either ignorant or are withholding the nuance in this advice

And because of that you end up with a ton situations like this:

The original creator produces an outlier, high-quality video

Then everyone and their grandmother tries to copy it

Following the common advice to “copy top performing videos”

But here’s the catch - a crappier video on the same topic won’t provide you the results you desire

Why would anyone want to watch the no-frills version of this video

When they could watch the top quality version instead…

That’s like choosing to watch a low-resolution, pirated movie

When you could watch it on Netflix

What this common advice should also include is that you need to leverage a unique angle or format to add new supply around this topic to the market

For example, a subsequent, in-depth one-hour video on AI businesses you can start with ChatGPT could have been extremely desirable to the market

Why? Because it would add more value to the market than these 10 minute videos

And tapped into a gap in the market…

TLDR: Don’t directly copy your competitors videos (unless your video will be 10x better). Instead, tackle in-demand topics with a unique approach or value proposition

Need advice on how to do just that? All the channel review spots have been filled so you can sign up to be notified of new openings by applying here

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