97% of People OVERLOOK This One YouTube Rule

If you're serious about YouTube you need to be aware of this...

On YouTube, there are a lot of rules

Examples include not promoting violence in your content

Or uploading the same video across multiple channels

While these rules are rather explicit

There is one rule that few creators even know

And for good reason

You won’t find it anywhere in the YouTube policies or guidelines

Wondering what that rule is?

Well then I guess you better keep reading…

Let me ask you this…have you ever heard of the Pareto Principle?

It’s the one that says 80% of outputs come from 20% of inputs

E.g. 80% of investment gains are produced by 20% of investment

If you survey your own life’s results and inputs

You will likely realize that this rule is pretty spot on…

Now, what does this have to do with YouTube?

More than you’d think…

You see, most people think that they will get to a point where every video they release will achieve the same level of success as the last

This is rarely the case…

Sure, if you understand the concept of niche alignment which I explain in Tube Freedom then you can increase your chances of maintaining a high view baseline

But regardless, the Pareto Principle will still apply

And it won’t be 80/20

It won’t even be 90/10

Chances are it will be 95/5

Which is to say that 5% of your videos will lead to 95% of your views (and income)

Let’s investigate this phenomenon with an example:

As seen above, the channel Feline Fanatics pulls in on average 5,000 views a video

While these videos do contribute to the growth and monetization of the channel

It’s the outliers that do the most work…

As you can see, many of their older (and more viral) videos are still generating 100s of views per hour

And contributing to this channel making $10,000+ per month

Why am I sharing this rule with you today?

Because most people quit before they have their breakout video

And they also set unrealistic expectations that every video they produce will take off

When you begin to understand how the game of YouTube works

You will understand that views will vary and that most of your success will come from a handful of videos

Your job is to stick with it until those few videos are realized

If you want to work with me 1-on-1 to identify and produce those “winning” videos faster, I am opening up two spots in Tube Launch as of today (first come, first serve).

Chat tomorrow!
