My $5 Million YouTube Gameplan

This is my ultimate strategy behind YouTube...

Ever since I was a teenager, I was obsessed with the idea of retiring early

At a young age, I saw how disgruntled many people were with their jobs

And figured that if I tried hard enough I could sidestep some of that pain

The sentiment only grew stronger in me when my Uncle passed away in 2020

After a hard fought battle with brain cancer

What made the whole situation worse was that when he was diagnosed

He was only a few short years away from retiring

A period of life that sadly he would never enjoy

When he passed, a switch inside me went off

As Drake says, “I went 0 to 100 real quick”

There was no more wasting time - I had to get moving on achieving financial freedom…

So what did I do? What all CPA nerds do - I crunched the numbers

I started to calculate how soon I could retire with $5M based on numerous monthly investment targets

Given I already had about $250,000 in investments at that time I just needed a tiny $4.5M to get the job done (LOL)

Turns out that I needed to invest $8,000 a month for the next 20 years to get to $5 million invested

And so what did I do?

I started scaling up my YouTube income to do it

Here’s a $16,000 month that took place just a few months after my uncle’s passing

But let’s say you’re not making $16,000/mo on YouTube

Will this same approach help you retire early?


For example, just investing an extra $2,000 a month for the next 5 years will turn into $143k

Which will then turn into over $500,000 in 20 years

This is what I call YouTube chess

Using YouTube income to play the larger game of achieving financial freedom

Instead of wasting that sweet online income life most of the people you see online…

So if you’re like me and prioritize freedom over frivelous spending then understand that a bit of extra YouTube income can go a LONG way

And that in and of itself should be enough motivation to get you started…

Chat tomorrow,
