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What the 1950s Can Teach You About Exploding On YouTube

Turns out the past has a lot to teach us about YouTube success...

In 2005, something groundbreaking happened…

No, it wasn’t me turning 13 years old

It was the founding of our beloved platform YouTube

Despite the platform being a creation of the 21st century

Oddly enough, it’s content from the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s

That can teach us a ton about growing on YouTube

What do I mean?

Let me explain…

Take the channel Vivid History

What do you notice about the channel? (ignore it not being monetized as it’s not relevant in this the context of this email)

All of the top performing videos are remastered videos of footage from the past

Now, you may be wondering what this has to do with growing on YouTube

And the answer is a ton!

The reason that these videos are so popular is because of how unique they are

Think about it - footage used to only be in black and white

Therefore, colorized content from these time periods is rare

And if you’ve ever taken an economics class before

You’ll know that a high price is assigned to a product in low supply and in high demand (like the videos shown above)

Now, I’m not telling you to start a similar channel

As you can see there can be monetization issues attached

But what I am telling you do to is always focus on adding unique supply to the market

For example:

  • Can you use a new presentation style in your niche (i.e. animations in an on-screen heavy niche)

  • Can you add more depth to the content in your niche by making longer videos?

  • Do you have unique expertise in a topic that will make your videos more credible than others in your niche?

Wondering how powerful adding new supply can work (even in a saturated niche?)

Take the channel Nischa

In only 87 videos and a few years she’s become one of the top personal finance channels on YouTube


Besides making great content she injected two unique elements into the market

1. She is a female in a primarily male niche

2. She has unique expertise as an investment banker

These two qualities allowed her to stand out and turn her channel into a massive success

This is why I dedicated a full section inside the Tube Academy training to identifying your own unique selling proposition

Because it can be the difference between getting 100 subscribers in 87 videos or 1.04M

Ps. New spots are opening up for Tube Academy for May

If you’re ready to invest in growing and monetizing your own YouTube channel in 2024 email me back “tube” and I’ll send you the details

Until tomorrow,
