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  • $10,000/mo Faceless Channels You MUST Start in 2024

$10,000/mo Faceless Channels You MUST Start in 2024

It’s the 21st of the month and you get an email

No, it’s not more spam

It’s your Google AdSense email!

It’s time to see how much money YouTube will be paying you this month

You open up the email and there it is…$10,532.04

Not bad given that last year you were making $0!

Now of course making 5-figures on YouTube isn’t an easy task

But, it is entirely possible, that is, if you select the right niche

As Warren Buffett once said, “It’s not how hard you work but what boat you’re in”

In the context of YouTube, this is entirely true…

No matter how hard you work, if you pick the wrong niche you will never:

  • Amass 100,000s of subscribers

  • Generate 1,000,000s of views

  • Make $10,000s per month

It just won’t happen…Sorry!

That’s why in today’s email I will share with you three channels to consider for 2024

For each of these channels, I will share their:

  • Monthly views

  • Monthly ad earnings

  • Monetization methods

  • Cost of production

In the next few minutes, you’re going to have 3 new channel ideas you can start for 2024

And when paired with the growth and outsourcing strategies shared in Tube Freedom

You will be well on your way to building your own $10,000/mo channel in 2024

Channel 1: Pets

People don’t like animals

They LOVE them…

Look no further than people pushing their cats in strollers

Or buying their dogs outfits for the holidays…

As a faceless creator, you can capitalize on this love

How? By starting a pet-focused YouTube channel…

Here’s an example of a channel doing just that…

Right now, Feline Fanatics is making roughly $10,000 in ad revenue

And generating 2,000,000 views per month

The channel monetizes with ads but could easily expand into brand deals and affiliate offers as many other pet-related channels already have…

For this type of channel, the cost of production is extremely low…

Given that these videos are made with basic stock footage and images found online

They can easily be made for $50-80 in their entirety by outsourcing them on sites like Fiverr and Upwork

Channel 2: Body Cam

Police and body camera channels have been all the rage lately

Does this mean starting one in 2024 is a bad idea

Not a chance…

For example, the channel Body Cam Leak started a month ago

It’s already making roughly $20,000/mo and generating 2,000,000 monthly views

Due to the entertainment style of this niche, the primary monetization method is through ads

That’s okay because the cost of production is rather low

The videos is this niche are simple collations of stock and body cam footage

So making these videos in their entirety will definitely cost you less than $100 per video (even if they are on the longer side)

The best part?

People are always getting in trouble

So you’re not likely to run out of content ideas any time soon!

Channel #3: Vintage

People love history and more specifically nostalgia

We cherish our memories playing super Nintendo as a kid

And keep our childhood idols close to our hearts

Which, now that I think of it…

Is probably why I went to see a Jonas Brothers concert two weeks ago (duh!)

To capitalize on this craze, you can start a vintage-focused channel in 2024

An example is the channel Vintage Treasures

This channel started in October and is already making just under $10,000/mo

Generating almost 1,000,000 monthly views!

Similar to the body cam channel, this channel monetizes solely through ads

As for it’s cost of production, it’s also quite cost effective

Given that the channel is combining historical stories with archived images

The cost to produce these videos would be anywhere from $50-80 each

As you can see, there are numerous ways to make 5-figures on YouTube

The best news?

Pursuing any of these niches means you’ve tackled the hardest part of the process

Selecting a niche…

Now it’s time to start your channel, push out content and let 2024 unfold

Until next week,


When you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. If you want to learn how to grow and monetize your own faceless YouTube channel, check out Tube Automate and Tube Freedom

  2. If you want a personalized review of your YouTube channel, sign up for a YouTube Channel Review

  3. If you want to work with me one-on-one to build a faceless channel, check out Tube Launch