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  • The $1,000 YouTube Check That Changed My Life FOREVER

The $1,000 YouTube Check That Changed My Life FOREVER

There are certain things in life you never forget

  • Your first kiss

  • Your first car

  • Your first job

But the one that trumps them all?

Your first YouTube paycheck…

However, let’s call a spade a spade

No one is getting that excited about YouTube sending you $122

Especially after you’ve been grinding out multiple videos a week for months

But then there’s that one paycheck that turns the game upside down

For me, that was my first $1,000 YouTube check which I got in early 2019

Up until this point I had been putting in steady work on the channel

And collecting some moderate checks to date

But this one hit different. Why?

Two reasons:

1. It was my first 4-figure check

2. It covered my whole month’s rent

You see, no matter how much money I make every month I still have financial anxiety

I worry about saving for the future, paying for my upcoming wedding etc.

This shit stresses me out!

And it stressed me out even more back when I was making $42,500 working in management consulting

But then YouTube came along…

Things started small and yes it was nice to cover a date night with a YouTube paycheck (the food tasted a little better when this was the case)

But this wasn’t “life changing” money

And nor is $1,000 a month (in the sense that it won’t put you on the Forbes List)

But when it meant covering my most stress inducing expense - my rent

And it demonstrated to me that my online income could really help me get ahead

And quell my financial anxiety at the same time

In order words, uploading videos on YouTube was giving me peace of mind

Little did I know at the time of my first $1,000 check that 5 months later I’d be cashing in over $12,000 in a single month (talk about peace of mind)

But that’s all part of the journey!

Now, you may be wondering why I’m sharing this story with you today

It’s because you see all across social media people posting their $50,000/mo YouTube screenshots

And it’s easy to think that life only improves once you elevate to that level

But it’s not the case (or at least it wasn’t for me)

Even an extra $500 a month can cover a few bills

Or a $3,000 month can cover a weekend away

And to me that’s more than enough reason to get started

Until tomorrow,
