• Adam Del Duca
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  • The #1 Reason People Fail on YouTube (Not What You Think)

The #1 Reason People Fail on YouTube (Not What You Think)

Avoid this and you'll enjoy the YouTube success you desire...

When you were in elementary and high school, what was your biggest fear?

No, it wasn’t getting rejected when you asked your crush out

No, it wasn’t missing the bus and having to walk home

Most people’s biggest fear during those years was failing a test or class

As you’ll probably agree, putting so much stress on a grade school mark was silly

But it did force us to stay diligent in our studies and get to the point where we are today

Sadly, for many YouTube channels, that diligence only goes so far…

Presently, there are over 50 million channels on YouTube

I know what you’re thinking “damn, that’s a lot of other channels to compete against”

However, if we looked at each of those channels, what you would find are tons of them have given up

With their latest videos having been released weeks, months and most often years ago…

Why did they quit? (which is the only way you fail on YouTube)

After having interacted with hundreds of YouTube channels in the last few years I’ve been able to finally put my finger on the main reason people fail (and quit) YouTube

Want to know what that reason is?

Let me explain…

YouTube is a business and all businesses consist of two things: inputs and outputs

Take for example a plumbing business

The inputs are the owners investment in tools and their time

The outputs are the payments received for the services rendered

Let me ask you this, which of the following two plumbers would be more likely to continue their business

Plumber A: Works 50 hours a week and makes $10,000 a month

Plumber B: Works 50 hours a week and makes $0

Obviously Plumber A

Why is that?

Because the outputs (cash collected) justify their inputs (time and money)

Sadly, most YouTube channel owners end up in situation like Plumber B

They create videos blindly and hope for the best

Maybe they stick with it for a week, a month or even a year

But eventually they say "screw it” and throw in the towel

Never achieving their true YouTube potential

This is why I teach my students inside Tube Academy that they should be closely monitoring their inputs and outputs

Such as providing my students with video component price points when hiring to minimize inputs

Or sharing with them numerous ways to gain greater performance out of each video they produce

For instance, one of the easiest ways to generate more views, subscribers and income from your channel is mastering the art of titling.

What surprises my students very often is how just a tweak in how you title your videos can be the difference between a video generating 100 views or 10,000 views

Because of the how much extra output using the right titles can provide I’ve decided that next weekend (June 22nd at 2pm EST) I’m going to run the Viral Title Mastery Workshop

The goal of the workshop is to help you craft more effective titles so you can generating more views, gain more subscribers and make more money from your channel.

Here's how the workshop will go down:

First, I’ll share with you the fundamentals of an effective title so that they are irresistible to your ideal viewer

Crafting titles is both an art and a science

Miss out on either and your videos are destined to fail

But learn how to combine the two and you’ll start driving more views right away​

Second, you’ll learn how to increase your chances of going viral by testing your titles before uploading

You wouldn’t spend money on a car without test driving it

So why would you invest your time and energy on a video without testing the title?

Gain confidence your video will perform by using the title testing strategies I’ll be teaching in the workshop

Third, I’ll share all 11 title strategies that will allow you to gain viral title mastery

Obviously, you can’t use the same title video after video (if only!)

That’s why it’s critical to have numerous strategies you can rely upon when formulating each and every video you release

The best part? The strategies are effective no matter which niche you are in

If you’re tired of investing your precious time and money into the production of your videos without gaining the views you want then the Viral Title Mastery Workshop is for you

Tickets to attend the workshop are just $100.

I’m running the workshop on Saturday, June 22nd @ 2PM EST

I'm not selling the recording either.

Lock in your Viral Title Mastery Workshop ticket below and you'll receive your meeting link immediately:

Talk tomorrow,
